
Jodi Ann Fahey

Author/Writer Casey Blane Series

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Thank you All!

Hey all! I wanted to say thank you to everyone for your support! The book was on the Hot and Trending list for 559 hours of the 720 and received 2967 hits. Not too shabby for a new author! I couldn't have gotten there without all of your support!

Unfortunately, my book was not chosen by Kindle Scout. Seems the genre was full, at least that's what I would say considering my competition was also not chosen.

However, I will be publishing the book within the next few weeks and will offer the e-book for free for a limited time. My way of saying thank you to all of you!

I will also be offering the book in print (will not be free, though. Sorry!) as well as an option to receive a print copy autographed by me. 

I will keep you all posted!

Thank you, again! You guys are the greatest!

Best regards,

Jodi Ann Fahey

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